Cultivate What Matters

It’s the last week of January. I’ve used much of this month to privately reflect. (Though some in public, via radio and podcast, a new venture for me in 2018 and continuing in 2019. I’ll maybe share more on that another day.)

For starters, at the end of 2018 and start of 2019, once again I used a remarkable tool to name events, milestones, and people I’m grateful for, and identify things to let go of. Looking ahead I noted areas needing more attention and listed projects and people I want to invest in in 2019. This goal setting system, Powersheets, is an attractive book that’s visually inviting and offers a gracious approach for those like me who find goal setting a daunting task. Lara Casey designed Powersheets to help women “Cultivate What Matters”. I highly recommend all her company’s resources including her latest book, Cultivate. Visit her website or podcast for tips and encouragement. Lara’s bite size audio tutorial sessions make goal setting manageable. Now I have an realistic plan to implement my dreams and review my goals daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annually. Tending Sheets and scheduled review is the key.

Thanks Lara— I’m so hopeful!
